Do you think the discount you got is sufficient to cover both a discontinued model and demo units?
Another way to look at it, if you had bought a pre-owned pair of v1 Scalas in 9/10 or 8.5/10 condition, would you have paid about the same or significantly less?
If about the same, enjoy the speakers. It looks like your buff-out took care of most of it.
Good idea to upgrade your upstream components. As a fellow owner of low cost vintage amps, you can do a lot better than the Forte.
Any chance you'd consider getting a turntable front end?
Another way to look at it, if you had bought a pre-owned pair of v1 Scalas in 9/10 or 8.5/10 condition, would you have paid about the same or significantly less?
If about the same, enjoy the speakers. It looks like your buff-out took care of most of it.
Good idea to upgrade your upstream components. As a fellow owner of low cost vintage amps, you can do a lot better than the Forte.
Any chance you'd consider getting a turntable front end?