You didn't mention a price range, so I'll throw out a couple of monitor size speakers that I think are very good, and have also gotten good critical reviews.
1. Sequerra Pyramid MET-7: an exceptionally fine speaker, designed by high-end audio legend Richard Sequerra. The MET-7 images like crazy, has very good frequency extension at both ends, and is sometimes available on the used market for $600-800. For more info about the MET-7, see the Sequerra Web site:
2. Krix Equinox: a dandy little Australian speaker that sells new for $600 (or $300-350 used). I tried several small speakers for my office system, and eventually chose the Equinox. I've been very pleased with them. Not only do they offer very good sound, but their cabinetry (Jarrah wood) is of very high quality for the price range.
And, finally, two models from one of the two truly high-value speaker manufacturers, PSB (Paradigm is the other): the PSB Image 2B ($400 new), and the PSB Stratus Mini ($1050 new).
1. Sequerra Pyramid MET-7: an exceptionally fine speaker, designed by high-end audio legend Richard Sequerra. The MET-7 images like crazy, has very good frequency extension at both ends, and is sometimes available on the used market for $600-800. For more info about the MET-7, see the Sequerra Web site:
2. Krix Equinox: a dandy little Australian speaker that sells new for $600 (or $300-350 used). I tried several small speakers for my office system, and eventually chose the Equinox. I've been very pleased with them. Not only do they offer very good sound, but their cabinetry (Jarrah wood) is of very high quality for the price range.
And, finally, two models from one of the two truly high-value speaker manufacturers, PSB (Paradigm is the other): the PSB Image 2B ($400 new), and the PSB Stratus Mini ($1050 new).