Anyone tried Acrolink power cables from Japan ?

If so,how would you rate them against some of the "majors"
such as Elrod,VD& EG. Very broad question,I know,but would
just like to get a htnt of their capability.
After fooling around a lot mixing Oyaide plugs , can give you the characeteristic sound of the ones I know:

004 : Clean , ultrafast, a lot of data on HF , bass very controlled.
Using on both extremes : A bit harsh on bright systems.

079. Sweet . Great body. Great bass. Human voices are outstanding.
Using on both extremes: On dark systems and or tube based ones bass will be boomy and maybe a bit dark.

046: Is just on the middle of 004 and 079 , is more like the 004 tone.
Is neutral , fast, delicate, a bit more lust than the 004 (I like it).
Using on both extremes : No problems but is not as involving and inviting as combined plugs.

Using the 004 male and 079 iec , will get nice voices , a clean fast bass but with enough slam to be happy with it. Palpable instruments and dark backstage.
It is one of the best combinations out there .

The only time I disliked it was on a CD player that was extremely harsh , so I used the 046 as male.

Now to get the best on the Acrolinks I use
the same Oyaide plugs plus Furutech F-50's .

My best results are :

F-50 plug + Oyaide 079 IEC . Involving, inviting, seducting , SURPRISINGLY CLEAN ( considering the 079) .

F-50 IEC and 079 plug: Not as involving but acoustic instruments and voices never were so real.

F-50´s on both sides : Simply outstanding but don´t use that combo on all combinations of cords. System may go too polite IMHO.
Are you using the Acrolink 6N-P4030 power cable in your experiments? I'm using this with 004 terminations on my power amp, works great. Considered it for my DAC and transport but it's unshielded. Have you had any problems with this?

I dont know what happens on unshielded scenery.
What I most avoid is duplicate 004 on both extremes because it always sound on the harsh side. I think using SET friendly horn speakers increases that result.
After a long time trying and testing my best answer is that you have to try the combinations .This is not an accurate science so results may change depending on systems
Rja ,

Missed to say that I use the Acrolink 6n-p4030 + Oyaide connectors for all purposes without a single problem.