Anyone tried BlockBuster on-demand movie service??

Blockbuster claims to have dvd quality on their on-demand service for $1.99 per movie. Has anyone tried this service? If so, how does the picture look and are you able to get digital surround?
Riley, it's a little more involved than that. You have to purchase 25 on-demand movies in advance for $100 and they'll give you their on-demand intenet-connected player. I don't want to spend a hundred bucks for a mediocre on-demand machine again. I already have a Roku player and I get the movies free from Netflix. I would consider the Blockbuster deal if the picture and sound were better. Also, the deal says that the rentals START at $1.99. Anytime a sales ad has a starting price, you can be sure that prices don't end where they start. So, again, if anyone has tried it I'd like to know your experience with it.

Seems pointless to me to let yourself in for Blockbuster's shenanigans when movies on-demand comes free with a Netflix membership. Once the home video medium transitioned from VHS, I haven't liked Blockbuster. After DVD came in, they insisted on stocking the full screen versions, and that's where I parted company. I've been a Netflix member for over five years and am still happy with it. My step-daughter gave the Blockbuster membership a try (with its mail order/bricks'n'mortar service angle) and felt that she got burnt by it, between the late fees and the charges for various services beyond the subscription.