Anyone tried Kharma cable,suppose to be the best ?

i am trying to decide what kind of cable i want with the
lamm gear and a dealer told me that the most neutral cable
and the best overall cable was kharme grand reference.
i am curantly using nbs cable and i am very happy with
the sound.has anyone tried them or heard them?
I have the Grand Reference speaker cable and interconects. All I have to say is that Kharma is in a different league. So much more detail, air, soundstge etc...
I heard the expensive Kharma speaker cables a few times with big Lamm amps and Lamm pre driving Kharma Ceramiques - very open, dynamic & detailed sound.
Me and my audiophile friend had the grand reference cables and didn't care for them over the course of a few evenings of listening they sounded dark and slow we were comparing to the Jena labs Valkyre and Twin 15 which had a much more musical sound to them. But the flip side of this comparison was when we had the same system with different speakers(kharma's) the jena's didn't sound as good as the grand reference- how ever on other speakers the Jena's seemed to shine weird audiophile stuff going on here! ~Tim