Anyone tried Kharma cable,suppose to be the best ?

i am trying to decide what kind of cable i want with the
lamm gear and a dealer told me that the most neutral cable
and the best overall cable was kharme grand reference.
i am curantly using nbs cable and i am very happy with
the sound.has anyone tried them or heard them?
We'll see which one plays the loudest, but we will have over a horsepower total with the new mono amps.....Like last year there will be a small party of all the audio journalists from the paper and emags.....Stephaen Harrel of TAS wanted Curl to turn up the volume a bit and John turned it all the way up and we measured an average 104db at the doorway with 120db peaks least year and then the police arrived and Kal Rubinson and Robert Deutsch decided to have a yoyo contest which Rod Morris (webmaster AA) Documented in his show report.....Then I can't tell you how much trouble we all got into, but Eveana Manley showed up about then.....Curl said it was like being on stage with the wall of sound in the 70's when he worked for the Grateful Dead......Yep, this year's 6th annual Stereophile Memorial Beer and Pizza bash will be a blast as it always is....
Since I am the junior here in this club of cable dealers, I will let the seniors decide date and place for the shoot-out. I can be found in one of the KR-Audio rooms (I share a room with Kr-Audio and their Kronzilla SET monoblocks), so please contact me there.
I am sure I cannot hide, my German accent will give me away in a second.
It may be possible to q up the same cd in both rooms and achieve a record for pissing off your neighbors as they try listening to the opening of the Moonlight Sonata.
This sounds like a wonderful idea, perhaps you can invite a number of impartial inmates who frequent the show and will post theirm findings afterward. I must say that I have a certain fondness for the KR tubes eventhough none of my present equipment utilizes their tubes.