Anyone Using Apple Music Classical?

And your impressions? Says it’s lossless.


I’m able to stream “lossless” to my Anthem 70, but Atmos programs seem to revert to two channel and I can also use Airplay to stream to my Aurender N20. Will have to find some time to compare to Quboz, but I suspect internally integrated service will be superior.

Just listened to a familiar piece of music, Vengeance, by BiBi and Quboz was significantly better than Apple Music.  This is AirPlay compared to a device supported by Aurender’s Conductor. 


... I can also use Airplay to stream to my Aurender ...

FYI, Airplay is limited to 16/44.1

Like the OP, I am most interested in comments about sound quality relative to Qobuz (in particular), Tidal, Idagio, etc. Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal touting the new service and it’s merits but the article makes scarce mention of sound quality which puzzles me since that would seem to be the most important factor to most classical enthusiasts…