Others have suggested the Benchmark amp. Let me second those recommendations and add an exclamation mark! The Benchmark AHB2 is small and light weight, but delivers detail, resolution, and musicality that will best amplifiers that are much more expensive. I really like Hegel gear and had an H120 that I really loved, and which I thought would be my end-game solid state amp. A friend/audio mentor raved about his AHB2 and encouraged (actually “begged”) me to try the Benchmark on a 30-day trial. With great skepticism I reluctantly did so, and the difference was not subtle. It was dramatic. Within two weeks I put both my Hegel and my Pontus II up for sale. I can’t speak highly enough about the AHB2. It takes everything – detail, holographic imagery, soundstage, and musicality -- to a higher level. At least it did for me (using Harbeth SHLplus speakers).
There are, however, a couple of caveats: First, the AHB2 is not an integrated amp, so you’ll need a preamp. Second, the AHB2 performs its best when paired with other Benchmark gear. In my case, I purchased a used Benchmark DAC2 HGC, which is both a DAC and a preamp, for $1k. That pairing was so good, I sold my Pontus II (which once again, I liked so much I easily concluded that it was my end-game DAC, but the DAC2 was even better when paired with the AHB2). These two products, paired together, are much smaller and lighter than almost all other integrated amps out there, while delivering a sound quality that is hard to beat. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to give the AHB2 a try. You won’t regret it.