jbrrp1 makes a good point: it is hard to attribute all attributes to a single component. Cabling and speakers and pre-amp, etc .... can have profound impacts.
As another post stated, a true test is switching out a single component—in this case, the stereo amp—and nothing else. Same cabling, source point, conditioning. Essentially, the exact same system.
What seems as critical in what amp you select is the holistic view of the system. We are working with a dealer who specializes in D’Agostino paired with Wilson Audio speakers. We love the sound.
Are there better systems? I am sure. But you can go insane reading all of the pros and negatives about ANY piece or brand. I do not have to time nor motivation to fly around the nation listening to Boulder or Gryphon or Pass Labs. As fabulous as those are said to be, and as much as I would love to hear them all, there gets to be a point of diminishing returns because you are not hearing all of the systems with the same cabling, source points, etc .... let alone AT THE SAME TIME You are hearing that SYSTEM. THE WHOLE THING. And then a day or week goes by until you can hear another set up.
Not really the best way to determine minute differences.
My point: find a reputable dealer you can trust with ears you trust who understands your ears and tastes. They most likely can put together all of the components that work best TOGETHER. Usually a great dealer has a SYSTEM that works TOGETHER, meaning pre-amp/amp/speakers/ cabling ...
THIS is BEST. For THAT amp.