i am learning that various systems have strengths with different genres. The hardest thing for me to understand is the goofy music that is constantly played in these rooms. I like a variety of music, but what I hear as audiophile music makes evaluating a system very tough. I listen to some very mainstream classical, old alternative music from the 80's, typical 70's fare such as Gerry rafferty and Dan fogelberg, as well as new age such as montreaux, Patrick ohearn, Alison brown, etc.. None of which gets played. However you'll have plenty of rooms playing cricket farts and toenails being clipped. It makes it hard to tell if I actually like what I am hearing or not. I will bring a sample cd and lp to the next show show I attend.
i felt the gamut room was fantastic and relatively affordable. I went there on at least 4-5 occasions and it always sounded very good. I was also astounded by the lack of room treatment. It was a warm musical system that I could easily live with and not feel that it was taking over the room.
this was my first chance to hear mbl and I was impressed by its ability to just completely fill the room. There wasn't a bad seat in the place.
nola with the vac gear was also notable. I have a friend who,sings Nola praises and after that room I kinda agree. A softer, expansive presentation that somehow doesn't lack for detail. Not a very immediate sound, but utterly non fatiguing.
i also liked the evolution acoustics room. Gorgeous and massive. Great sound in that room when I sat in the sweet spot. But, yikes. Even selling a kidney would come up short to buy that set up!
hopefully I will be better organized next year. I apparently missed quite a few rooms so take my comments with a grain of salt.