APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
From my understanding the leap of faith has been gradual. Initially, people purchased Alex's APL 3910 and were quite impressed at its performance. It gained kind of cult following among some audiophiles who said it outperformed all others at its price point and many others costing up to twice as much. Then, it seems, Alex pursued the best player he could make because people always want the best. That led to the development of the NWO 2.5. Many people who owned or heard his APL 3910 took the next leap of faith and purchased the new player. Others went to visit Alex to hear the player for themselves before purchasing it. If you can afford $20,000 for a CD player you can find a way to listen to it before purchasing it or you can read the posts on the APL website and be assured that you are purchasing a quality machine made by a true craftsman. As for me, I have no affiliation with APL or Alex - I have taken a small leap of faith and am waiting on delivery of one of the last of Alex's APL 3910s. If I were in the market for the best digital, I would find a way to listen to the NWO 2.5 or I would take a leap of faith knowing that everything Alex has made/modded has received rave reviews.
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I am afraid multichannel is not available on the NWO 2.5 due to space restrictions. We have however just introduced a new multichannel player based on the Denon 5910 ci. Please check our website for more information Thank you , Brent Rainwater CSM Apl Hi Fi
Ackmann00, I have Alex's 3910 with Burr-Brown DAC's(circa summer 2006), and I know you won't be disappointed. He even said there was an upgrade that made a slight, but better difference. I didn't get that upgrade. If you are getting AKM DAC's, they are supposed to be better. If you got tube output, they are supposed to be better than my mosfets. Anyway, his 3910 beat my analog(circa 1992 Linn, Mana, etc.), so I don't think you will disappointed. I have to mention my mantra here. Play with volume. I don't think volume has anything to do with his players. I think it has to do with sitting behind the sound desk, and determining what sounds right. I find one volume, and play all cd's at that volume.