APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
I am afraid multichannel is not available on the NWO 2.5 due to space restrictions. We have however just introduced a new multichannel player based on the Denon 5910 ci. Please check our website for more information Thank you , Brent Rainwater CSM Apl Hi Fi
Ackmann00, I have Alex's 3910 with Burr-Brown DAC's(circa summer 2006), and I know you won't be disappointed. He even said there was an upgrade that made a slight, but better difference. I didn't get that upgrade. If you are getting AKM DAC's, they are supposed to be better. If you got tube output, they are supposed to be better than my mosfets. Anyway, his 3910 beat my analog(circa 1992 Linn, Mana, etc.), so I don't think you will disappointed. I have to mention my mantra here. Play with volume. I don't think volume has anything to do with his players. I think it has to do with sitting behind the sound desk, and determining what sounds right. I find one volume, and play all cd's at that volume.
Tvad, you've got to take it easy, or everyone is going to take all of your suggestions(i.e., Alex's offer of airfare, and my power cord purchase)!
Mmakshak - I have had the APL3910 for about two weeks now. It has all the latest upgrades including the AKM DACs. Right out of the box it sounded pretty darn good. I have only about 15-20 hours on it now and recently listened to Miles Davis Kind of Blue (had listened to it about 30 times before on a Meridian 506-20) and was blown away by how good it sounded - it was like listening to it for the first time and discovering all the little nuances and textures to the music/performances that I had never heard before. Can't wait til my 3910 is fully broken in. That being said, I can only imagine how good the NWO 2.5 is.