Apogee Duetta signatures or mirage M3si?

Guys would love your advice re preference for either of these two models which are available to me at identical price...have theta dreadnaught and proceed pre...love the "natural"mirage sound which I have in the form of OM 6s as part of combined 2 channel and home cinema...never heard the Apogees..but knowing that I like the Mirage sound and enjoy all kinds of music(particularly jazz and motown) outside of heavy metal, how does the duetta presentation compare and what should I look for in the audition Im about to have re the Apogees in terms of their condition..Im preparing to set up a separate dedicated 2 channel system.... with love from down under Dave
Sorry, didn't catch the down under reference! You are closer to the most expert of Apogee help than most of us! Good luck. Bob
Thanks again guys..vladimir they are $2300 U.S...in oz this is probably pretty good but let me know if you think it is too much...vladimir could you tell me why these speakers are stand outs to you?...cheers
update....auditioned the Apogees and have to say that Mejames could not have been more accurate in his description of the presentation ...at least in this setup....at higher levels I really found brass etc (which is well recorded) far too bright....diy valve pre with bel canto monos...delightful sellers but the sound was not my cup of tea... any other suggestions for trials knowing my preferences?...thanks
I've owned the Mirage M1 and various Apogees in the past. The most transparent speakers I've ever heard were the Apogee Duetta and original Martin Logan CLS and now the Hyperion HPS-938. The Apogees are harder to drive and more difficult to set up than the Mirage, but they are on a another level for midrange, imaging, staging, and transparency compared to the Mirage. If you can find the right amp and right room, very few speakers are its equal regardless of price.
I owned a pair of duettas that my fiancee (now wife) made me sell. I have always missed them and have never found anything better (for less than 10K). They combined well with a decent subwoofer. Surprised to hear that they cost so much used. Also, I wonder if anyone knows the best place to look for these in the Northeast US.