I will have to agree with Slowhand. At this point and time it is good circut design that makes the difference, not solid state vs tubes, it is the year 2001 not 1978.For gods sakes listen to the designs of Jeff Rowland and Charlie Hansen! Both solid state both killer! This is only my opinion but in earlier posts I have mentioned that..."I never thought I would say this but you really owe it to your self to hear an Audio Research 100.2, depending on what your impedence match is between your amp and preamp the difference can be night and day. I had been useing an Audible Illusions M3A with my Ayre V3 and it never came to life. The Ayre is fairly low impendence wise. The 100.2 was a text book match with my AIM3A. The difference is better high and low end and dynamics in spades. I could never figure it out why reviewers never empraised the 100.2 although that should never be an issue when auditioning an amp. Do yourself a favor and go listen to one." Also read the other posts named "Audio Resarch Convert"
If you would like to see a desciption of my system go to: http://cgi.AudioAsylum.com/systems/1875.html
All the best-