Arcam CDS27

Has anybody heard this new unit from Arcam? I don't have a local dealer so I would have to travel a ways to hear it. I recently had the opportunity to hear a cd17 and was pleasantly surprised on how musical it was, and the cds27 seems to have all new forms of digital playback(streaming, USB, etc..) built in. I am just wondering if by having everything built in that it may have suffered in the sound quality. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
I have a CDS-27 on order from Audio Advisors. It is due into the States the first week or so in February and then it will be shipped to all the dealers. I am replacing a Oppo 105.
Corgidog59, when you have a chance please give us your impressions of the CD27 and how it compares to the Oppo. Thanks for any insight you can provide.
Corgidog59, please do let us in on your opinion about the unit once you get a little burn-in. Very curious about this unit.
While the Oppo 105 is a great performer, the fact is that I am not using it to its fullest capabilities..I rarely if ever watch blu ray. I am not using it as a pre-amp either. Nor am I using its multi channel capability. I am listening to CDs via two L/R interconnects. So, I am going to move it to the family room where it may get more use. I am focusing my main system more in the two channel direction. An important point is that I have read time and time again, that the type D/A converter chip is not the sole determinate of the quality of sound produced by a CD player. Yes, Oppo is using the Saber 9018. But it does not mean its sound is better than another CD player using some other chip. Moreover, I would think at this point in its availability, that most manufactures of CD players would have converted over to the Saber chip. But they haven't. Marantz uses a different chips for example. That kinda tells me that there is more to a CD players sound than the chip it uses. In any event, Arcam has been making great audio equipment to include CD players for a long long time. I like what they have done to the CDS-27 vs previous models. If it is a step back from the Oppo 105, then I will return it and put my $1,500 into something else. I do like the fact that the CDS-27 plays SACDs as I have growing collection. I looked at Emotiva's ERC-3 but that does not play SACDs. I have not copied any of my 700 CDs on to my PC yet. I will do that at somepoint.
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