Arcam CDS27

Has anybody heard this new unit from Arcam? I don't have a local dealer so I would have to travel a ways to hear it. I recently had the opportunity to hear a cd17 and was pleasantly surprised on how musical it was, and the cds27 seems to have all new forms of digital playback(streaming, USB, etc..) built in. I am just wondering if by having everything built in that it may have suffered in the sound quality. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the update Corgidog59. There is one brief review out on the cds27 now.
I had one on lone from Audio Republic(uk). I also had the Apollo-r to compare.
I'm coming from an Arcam Alpha 7-upgraded to an 8 in 2002.
I've played both on my own set up:
Alpha 8 amp amp and power amp
Quad 11L speakers
Rumour speaker cable
Audio Quest Topaz inter's


Straight out of the box this player proved very detailed.It also made me listen to the music,I mean close my eyes and take in the great depth and imaging.It was however a little bright and some what harsh at the top end...this no doubt to it being new!
After a lot of play and burn-in the player really started to warm up. Rich and wonderful.
Playing Sarah McLachlans afterglow was a real pleasure.I got a sense of the great production and sound staging of this album...I'd never heard before.
Vocals are simply for the pace/timing. Bang on!
The player did struggle a bit with AC/DC. Back in Black sounding a little harsh in the mids. I put this down to the unit being not quite burnt in..sadly I took it back before it was really at it's best.
In all a terrific player with loads of capabilities.
Would I buy one. Yes
How did the Rega Apollo-r compare.

Rega Apollo-R:

Firstly the Rega was well used and burnt in.
It was Richer than the Arcam but not as detailed. It had a more powerful bass sound and perhaps to some a more exciting listen.
Swapping them out I felt the Arcam was the better player as it was more involving to listen to.
The Rega was better with harder music. Hard Rock/Metal etc.
It simply pumped out Metallica the way you want to hear it-loud and proud. The Arcam unit lost the bands aggression a bit and while I could hear more detail in ,Mama Said', it did seem a bit lost.
However, Arcam have always been very neutral in their reproduction. You could say the cds27 showed up some production failings of the music.
I suspect the Rega with the Dac would be better and more rounded than the 27. This though costing another £300. Is it worth it..ummm not sure.
I'd go for the Arcam and will do when I have the funds!
Thanks for the insight. The last Arcam I listened to was the cd73(well burned-in)with the Wolfson dac. I liked it quite a lot and definitely didn't find it bright or harsh. I wonder if the cds27 sounded a little harsh due to the Burr Brown dacs...most likely because it was not burned-in.