@steakster Talk about a cynical response.
I'm truly not sure where you're coming from there. My impression is that he's not getting what he's after with his system.
It's interesting how this hobby we've all chosen tends to tie other aspects of our lives together ... or maybe it would be fair to say that it can reflect other things we've learned about life? I don't really know how to say it.
I'm sure a lot of you know people who seem to never be content with the things they've either acquired or achieved. Being content with what we have in life is the one that applies here. But I guess that's the way money works in general, right? It will definitely not make you happy ... and for the of you that think it does I personally feel sorry for you. And if you're not already happy by the time you get it, or don't know how to make yourself happy, that is ... the money is (insert the words: your system) will either make you a bigger j**k off than you were before you got it ... or it's gonna allow you to be able to enjoy your life more.