Are Carver Preamps Any Good?

Just wondering?

There are so many versions of Carver preamps and preamp/tuners for sale. They always seem to sell. Are they really any good?...or are they just a popular product with so-so sound? Are they like a Rotel or NAD?

Seems like their products change hands regularly. So, what are there better products, if they have any?
Carver's Sunfire line of theater and 2ch equipment is much superior and price worthy compared to Nad Rotel or Creek.
I owned a carver pre/tuner in the 1980's and it was the the poorest part of my system, which also included a carver amp, which was good for the money. I moved to a sonic frontiers preamp and it was great. Stay away from carver tuners.
depends what you mean by good, for the price they'll stomp anything out there but it depends what you're running in the system and how good you want it to be! If you have a system say under 3500.00 including your speakers you can run your pre out of a carver multi channel receiver and you would be surprised how good of sound you will get !