Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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re: zero-perceived-distortion link...

Tenor amplifiers have no global feedback.  We contend this to be the first step in great amplifier design.  

We then map the low natural distortion of our amplifiers.  This is done for every tone and overtone - at every frequency simultaneously … at every amplitude.  This allows us to understand exactly our amplifier’s dynamic nature of distortion while playing real music and not just the static measurement at a particular frequency and amplitude - the way distortion is measured by the industry today.  With this detailed mapping, we shape our amplifier circuit using Tenor’s proprietary HSI technology in a manner that the brain perceives no distortion.   What little distortion Tenor amplifiers have is now effortlessly and subconciously ignored by the brain.  This is the premise of Zero Perceived Distortion - laying bare the beautiful essence of each original master recording in all of its splendour!

What little distortion Tenor amplifiers have is now effortlessly and subconciously ignored by the brain
a different approach on "perfect."

Yes it is different but not correct and apparently not zero distortion.


a different approach on "perfect."

>>>>>footnote on history. I was in the big Tenor/Rockport/Shunyata/Audio Aero exhibit in the brand new Tuscany Hotel. The room was 50x50. It was judged by most senior audiophiles and reviewers to be the best sound of show. It was judged by senior reviewer and author of the RCA Bible Jonathan Valin to be not only the best sound at the show but the best sound he had ever heard anywhere. What was your humble scribe doing in this monster system? I was providing vibration isolation stands for all four (4) count em Tenor Amos as well as the Audio Aero CD Player. A customer of mine knew the exhibit coordinator, Jonathan Tinn. Yeah, Baby!