Are the performance of separates worth the price?

I am considering the purchase of an integrated amp or combination pre-amp/amp from the same manufacturer - both are based on similar technology.

The separates will cost approximately 45% more. Can I expect the performance to justify the price?
I just love these posts(no offense)!..."what's better, a tube amp or SS amp?"..."what's better, bookshelve speakers or floorstanders?"..."What's the best speaker for acoustic guitar?"..."What's the best car for driving to work!?"
This stuff cracks me up!
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Additional info:

I am considering the soon to be released Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated vs. Concerto Pre-Amp and Model 201 Monoblocks (or) the BAT VK-300x Integrated vs. BAT VK-31se and the BAT VK-250.
More additional information:

My speakers are Vienna Acoustics - Beethovens
Space is not an issue, expect to keep for a few years, willing to pay the additional price for separates if it is worth it.

If you have the cash, go for the separate components. I don't know which would be better for you speakers and I've not heard either brand of electronics, but if it is ultiamte performance and flexiblility you want, than separates are the way to go.
Good listening,