Ok, you were posting on multi format players. My point was when you buy a player, it is set for the resolution of the player. Then as higher resolutions are available and become available you will not be getting them.
Buying an inexpensive streamer is simply going to confirm that players sound better than streamers. Which sounds better is completely about the overall quality of the components. If you want I am sure you can easily find player that is better sounding than a streamer + DAC at many cost levels…. And visa versa. The real point is that for those of us that have done a lot of research, owned a lot of really good equipment realize that for close to the same money you can get streaming that sounds the same or better than a player and that the addition benefits are nearly infinite access to music, and higher quality formats, now and in the future.
I am not in an argument with you, I am trying to be really helpful. Point out a dead end versus an open ended future. My streaming sounds better than my CDs. If there are exceptions (we can have long discussions on specific formats… but honestly the equipment you own mostly determines the sound quality… the digital format less), they are always exceptions. But put your money on today and the future not BetaMax.
My point is that if you have X dollars to spend on digital… then investing in streaming is the way to go, now and in the future.