@jafreeman I appreciate your post, neglected as it was. I keep having this fantasy that COVID19 will wake people to the reality of science, facts, and the utility of institutions that act based on those understandings. But it apparently hasn’t yet done so.
In similar fashion, I doubt that audio discussions should fare any better in developing a rigorous epistemology—and not merely because music reproduction has an aesthetic component to it (de gustibus non disputandum est).
Our entire system of education has largely failed to train people how to think—and that spills out everywhere. Fora such as this one are not spared from this. Especially when debate is encouraged, such as here, winning will become more important than clearly stating a position and providing support for said position.
In the meantime, I spent some enjoyable hours listening to internet radio-and am continually surprised at how musical 320kbs can be rendered.