@dayglow My point is that instead of addressing the question, “you like Taylor Swift?”, instead of talking about the relative merits of her art, instead of talking about songwriting, performing, etc., we’re showing all of the insight and analytical acumen required to say, “sHe a LaDy. LaDy SiNg. I kNoW LaDy SiNg. I KnOw aReThA. I kNoW mAdOnNa. I KnOw aDeLe…ShE nOt LiKe tHaT oNe…sHe sOrT oF LiKe tHaT OnE…LaDy SiNg…”
Further, to address your question (‘Should she be compared to Ritchie Blackmore or Ian Gillan?’ )…um…no. No she shouldn’t. That would be an inexplicable choice of comparison as far as Taylor Swift goes.
More importantly…why does she have to be compared to any of them?
Why is this choice, a choice to so quickly compare her to these other people (of course, those comparisons being symptomatic of this website, a bizarre and sexist need to describe such a thing as a ‘female artist,’ as though it is a ‘musical genre’ or something 🤣🤣) so rampant in this thread?
As far as I can tell, the question of this thread is not, “Who can we compare Taylor Swift to as a musical artist?” but, “You guys like Taylor Swift?”