*S* I do what I do...;)
Step on, step off. Audio as a 'clapper emulator'...mostly enjoying what's at hand while tending to the 'honeydews' and those needy things that need doing.
Vague retirement, golf for me would be a wrist rocket and a pool cue, tennis as jai alai could be fun but any impacts would not be good for one who bruises if looked at hard. Used to cycle bike and moto's, but again damage....not so good for one that leaks easily but clots too quickly in the opin of the cardio Dr.s'
So I 'do' what a local calls steam-punk speakers for the toes in the Tao of my yin/yang, the yin of a complex v. the yang of the making of....
...blending in the wonderous and wooly music they emit.
A misspent life spent well....imho....interpret as you might.
'ciao, J