Are Zesto Preamplifiers in the same league as VAC?

I know Zesto makes very fine gear, both preamplifiers and amplifiers. I am interested in the VAC Renaissance Signature IIa SE Preamplifier.  A couple of audiophile friends have suggested that the new Zesto Leto Ultra Preamplifier is very close in sound quality, has much better user interface, and is much more reasonably priced. I have auditioned both and find the Zesto has a bit more presence (a little more forward) but the VAC more refined. I would appreciate your thoughts and experiences. Thank you!
I would think the Zesto would be a better buy if you tend to change amps more frequently because of its output impedance and the fact that it has the selectable gain settings available at your fingertips makes it a very versatile unit. The VAC is also double the price of the Zesto at retail. I am going to get the Zesto and use the money I save on my front end.
my guess is both are good and it comes down to preference. can you audition both in your system? that's the only way of knowing.

I was looking at purchasing the Ren V w/ phono but honestly felt that a LTA MicroZOTL was probably the better option at a much lower cost. LTA offers a 14 day return policy.