Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.
Kubla, we've been through it all in the thread called "Reviewing the Reviewers", as you know. So why bring it all up again? Cheers,
oh, i don't know. why do i do anything? it's late. i'm tired. i'm lonely ...i want a new amp?

i guess i wanted to talk about the man and not his opinions on reviewers - that was starting to wear me out. it's also an old thread and because of the title hard to find for someone searching for info on salvatore.

oh, but detlof, you're right. i'm redundant. again. again, i'm redundant, once again.
Whoops. you're more right than i originally thought, detlof. i thought the last post in that thread (other than mine) was back in march.

nobody post here.

stay away. go to 'reviewing the reviewers' thread

get out.
Well Kubla, were you so quick to shoot with those minus two points?...and I thoughts we were "friends". Shows how naive I am...but then probably it was one of those inane bushwackers. .....
Detlof, if I were a betting man, I'd bet that the two votes came from elsewhere. This actually points to why I think Agon's proposed policy of not letting individuals who post to threads vote on those same threads has value, even though it seems to defy common sense in some regards. Let those who wish to talk to each other do so without having the possibility of antagonistic voting coloring the conversation. Let those who seek the anonymity of the peanut gallery vote away; those folks can be easily ignored. Kubla, I know you asked people not to post here, but at least I posted something totally irrelevant.