Atlanta, Ga.

Any Audio Clubs in Atlanta? I'm a 2-channel guy and don't see a lot of interest in 2 channel here. Mostly home theater. It would be nice to meet some people local with similar intrest.
Just checking in to say hello. I am also from Atlanta. Although I will be out of town May 1, it would be interesting to share systems and experiences locally. I notice from an old Atl Audio Society post that a couple of the guys from Variety Playhouse run a high end 2 channel oriented dealership (from home, no show room). Interesting because I have known one of them for over 20 years from WRAS/GSU days, and I didn't know he was into this stuff. They rep Von Schweikert, Audio Aero, etc etc - very nice lines. There are quite a few shops dedicated to 2 channel around town - Sound and Cinema in Alpharetta, Audio Alternative in Lilburn, and a few others that actually keep showrooms full of nice 2 channel. Anyway, I want to keep in the loop. Would love to met up with some other enthusiasts - I really don't know any personally.
Shoot me an email Jswanrncke, I've got the audio bug pretty bad I geuss. I've not been to these shops. I do know the variety playhouse as they are a customer of mine. didn't know they were into this though. cool...

Count me in!! I've lived in NY, Pittsburg, San Diego, & S. Florida. Wherever I've gone I always managed to make a few audiofiliac friends....EXCEPT Atlanta!! I'm sure it's on me for whatever reason but yeah, let's hook up!;)
Been here since 92. Met just about all the local dealers..good folks. some nice places to visit..tough to get around..darn traffic and such!

Steve at Variety is a great guy. Excellent products too!

Alan and Mike at Audio Alternative has a incredable place with lots of hi end lines..MCintosh, Vandy, Thiel, VTL, Ayre..

Ed Hanlon at Sound and Cinema in Alpharetta W. of 400 has super stuff...Maggies..

Dont forget Pete Marshall at Audio Atlanta in the Marietta Square. Nice guy and great stuff. Been around awhile and keeps on going!

Chazbo...sent you an off line email!

My place is small..but we can stuff some folks in for a gathering!

Also, wanted to mention another local dealer..Audio Surroundings here in Alpahretta, GA. Eric and Kirk are representing some excellent lines of amps, pre amps and power cords and IC's.. Iv'e been fortunate to know them and do some Beta testing for them as well.