Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles

I am in the process of a 30-day in home audition of a deHavilland mercury 2 tubed linestage, which is a new product showing amazing promise. Here's a link to the item.

Problem is I dont have another preamp (preferrable a tubed linestage) to compare it to. Making matters worse, I dont even have speakers at the moment - having just sold me Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's (though i am expecting a set of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores next week).

If you are game, I would love to meet up for a little preamp head-to-head. I'd be happy to go to your place with the Merc 2 for a run, if anyone is interested.....
Rade - Thank you so much for the wonderful offer. Right now I dont have speakers yet, so another preamp would not do me much good. Thanks once again!
Art, we have corresponded earlier. I am about to ship out my Merlins for a new pair of MXs that will be here ???? If you are interested once your Parsifals arrive I would be happy to bring over my Audio Note M5 for a comparison on your system.

Round 1 goes (rather handily) to either or both the BAT 31SE and Aesthetix. To be fair, the deHavilland is brand spanking new and has not seen more than 20 mins of play time (though it was powered up for maybe 1-2 days). In jafox's system (CAT signature monos, clear audio analog source, Sound Lab spkrs) it was no contest.

Rather than make any serious sweeping conclusions, more listening is needed, esp once this thing has been played more. That's only fair. more to come.

Once I get the parsifals next week, i would love to have Peter and anyone else over....
Rade (lateguestnomore) I understand you were only trying to help me out - I hope you didnt think i was appreciative of your offer, becuase I certainly was/am. I just dont have speakers at the moment, like i said in my prior note.....