Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles

I am in the process of a 30-day in home audition of a deHavilland mercury 2 tubed linestage, which is a new product showing amazing promise. Here's a link to the item.

Problem is I dont have another preamp (preferrable a tubed linestage) to compare it to. Making matters worse, I dont even have speakers at the moment - having just sold me Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's (though i am expecting a set of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores next week).

If you are game, I would love to meet up for a little preamp head-to-head. I'd be happy to go to your place with the Merc 2 for a run, if anyone is interested.....
I am thinking of purchasing these and wanted to know your thoughts after you have had additional time to listen to it. I notice there are a lot of UltraVerves for sale at low prices which concerns me given the good reviews it received.
We've got speakers, amps, everything you need. When you are ready to make your comparison, let me know. If you want to hear what the BAT and Aesthetix stuff does beside the MP-3, I am game for that too.
Thanks again for the offers. I ended up purchasing a CAT SL-1 Ultimate for the system, so the search (for now) is over.
There is a potential local opportunity.

I have no affiliation with the owner, just happened to stumble on this...
I had no idea there were so many goners in the area. You certainly don't see them at the audio society meetings.

Shadorne- you're in White Bear?