Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Wadia WT 2000 with TEAC P2 VRDS mechanism upgrade, via Aural Symphonics ST Optimism V.2 glass fiber cable into Wadia 27 DAC. DAC to preamp: Purist Venustas XLR. Power cords, transport = Purist Venustas, DAC = Purist Dominus.(these are upgrades from my 7/05 post). The changes have brought my digital system just nanometers from my analog sound. But a nanometer is as good as a mile IMO ;--)
Linn Unidisk 2.1, or at least until around a week ago (I just sold it). If I get another player, it will likely be an Ikemi or a Unidisk 1.1. Right now I'm exploring wireless network options, and so far I must say I really miss my CD player.
Ayre Cx7e, hopefully to soon be upgraded w/ Ayre C5xe. Wonderful players, IMO, and AMAZING customer support.
That is a real consensus and I bet we all believe our CDP is the most "analog" sounding one...excellent thread! I use McCormack UDP-1 original and guess what, it is as close to analog as it gets (kidding!).
>>I bet we all believe our CDP is the most "analog" sounding one.<<

I don't.

Nor do I expect my digital front end to sound "analog like".