Audible Illusions Preamp

I would appreciate if someone can enlighten in chronological order which preamp in the Audible Illusions line that came out first and which is the current model from the L1, L2, 3A, 2C, (or any others I've missed). It would also be useful if someone can advise whether the sonic character is consistent throughout the range or there is a particular model that stands out from the rest in sound quality.

Thanks in advance.

You know that line about “having to pry it from my dead cold fingers”? That’s how I feel about my 3a….and 3b!! Love em both.

Nice @laginz - glad I’m not the only one who still thinks there’s something special about these preamps and avoided the “I’ll dump on ________ because it will make me sound sophisticated“ syndrome that has infested the internet! I only sold my 3A (which I had for ~17 years) when I got in a lather after one of my VTL amps blew up (again), precipitously decided I’d had enough with tubes for a while, and bought a (very nice) Plinius Hautonga integrated in order to downsize the whole rig. Well, that didn’t last long, so I bought a used L2B and an S-120 amp as a set (I’m still done with tube amplifiers). After about 2 years the backlights started acting up on the L2B, and when I called Art about getting it fixed, I also asked about updating the power supply. Turns out they don’t do updates but, rather, sell you a brand new unit at a very substantial discount (a la Lyra), so I went for it, and I’m glad I did. I know there are some circuit changes, but I primarily attribute the improvements of the 3B over the 2B to the beefier power supply, and the difference is not subtle (and I know it’s not attributable to new tubes vs old, because I’m using the same set of tubes in the new amp that were in the old one). I used the oem Russian tubes for break in, then put them away for a rainy day.

NB: I want to correct one thing in my previous post, but I can’t edit because it’s more than 30 minutes old. My addled 65 year old brain got it backwards regarding the bypass capacitor switches. I actually prefer the preamp with the switches off (i.e., the capacitors in the circuit). While it might not be as neutral, I get a fuller, more musically engaging sound, imho, especially with a SS amp. I used to do it the other way for tube amps (mostly VTLs), which were already pretty fleshed out. But it’s all a matter of personal taste and system matching - some people prefer Koetsu chocolate, others prefer Ortofon vanilla. Neither is wrong, neither is right - do what makes you happiest and ignore what some random guy on the internet tells you is ‘the only way’ (me included, although I try not to espouse absolutes when it comes to audio preferences, even if I don’t always succeed). At this point in my life, when I listen to music (which is a LOT), I’m a pleasure seeker, not a truth seeker, so take it for what it’s worth.

YEMV, etc.


Yeah, I’ve heard a lot of the stories about horrendous repair turnaround , and have no reason to doubt them. Maybe I’ve been lucky in that my units have never required repair. Ive had excellent results in both sound and longevity with the Russian tubes recommended, as well as Tungsram and Siemans NOS ones. And yes, Art can be either a bit cranky or pretty fun to talk to.:)

The horror stories about art and his delays are real-

His units are fairly simple proven no feedback circuits that run the tubes hard.

So if you are a tube roller look elsewhere. Really

Read absolute sounds review of a new L3A. These are good preamps.

Ive worked my way up the line for 20+ years never had a single issue with any of them.

I once owned the original Modulus..... a model prior to the Modulus 1.   WAAY back a long time ago (circa 1981-ish).

So, has anyone compared on how these vintage designs compare to more modern designs in the $1000 to $1500 price range?   It seems like tube design hasn't moved THAT much forward.... unless you go and spend $20,000 to $50,000 on an amplifier, which is quite a frequent option today.  (Anything is good if built to that price LOL.)