Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 too foward and bright?

Does anyone else feel this player (MKI) is too foward sounding and bright? It sounds as though the voices are too foward and separate from the rest of the music. The sound is extremely clear, but almost too clear. It doesn't have that warm, rich analog sound that everyone raves about. I believe my player is fully burned in. How many hours are required to fully burn in this player? Does it get better with extended use? I have never heard of anyone complain of this. I would appreciate anyone's experience with this player. Thanks so much!
So is silver taboo for this? I am new at this but I ordered and waiting for an AA and I will have Kimber Selects 1120 balanced connections directly to an Ayre amp. Is this going to have the same result?
Stenersr, i have had the AA Capitole 192/24 Mk.1 in my system with Valhalla interconnects and had absolutely no brightness, forwardness, or edgyness whatsoever. the Valhalla is "said" to be edgy in some systems and has some silver in it (oh my god!!).

don't prejudge what your system will do.....relax and just listen. generalities are just and listening tastes vary for many reasons. when judging a system's tonal balance you would need to consider not only interconnects....but also speaker cables, amps, speakers, whether you are using a preamp, and the "liveness" of your room.

in general the AA Capitole is on the warm side of neutral so unless your ears are already bleeding you are most likely fine.

congrats on your pending Capitole.....i am waiting for one too.
I have owned the AA Mkl and am also waitig on delivery of the Mkll based on what the Mkl did. It is anything but bright and that is comming through horn speakers. I have to feel that the brightness is related to other components of your system. Try running the AA direct to your amp and then try other cables if it still sounds bright. I would not be too quick to put it on the market. It will probably sell quickly and you may well regret it.
Best of luck,
J Tinn I thought I spoke very highly of the Audio Aero. But let me correct you on some misconceptions. I was sent a unit to evaluate. I chose not to carry the unit not because I did not consider the Audio Aero a wonderful CD player but because I was told that when they came out with the new player at a lot more money that they were changing the chassis. It is a personal thing but I just don't like the looks of the player.

So I was never refused the opportunity the carry the line since I never requested to carry the line. I mentioned the Mephisto and the EMC 1 so that he could have some correlation between other players in the market place and how they sound different.

I know you are a great believer in going direct but I will tell you I personally believe the Audio Aero, as the Accuphase 75 V which also has volume control both sound better using a good preamp.

I am surprised that you would attack me in a round about way. What is your motivation. The Audio Aero is loved by everyone that hears it. I like the way it sounds and stated so. But I cannot believe that your feelings are left in shambles if some one does not believe that it is the ultimate digital piece in the universe. Rest assured there are many other people that purchase other products. But if it makes you feel better more power to you.
Please, do check your sources before you state things that are not the case. Life is too priceless to spend it taking cheap shots at people that you obviously do not know!

Hopefully enough said. I wish you no ill will. I just don't like things said or implied that are not true. I realize communications can sometimes get crossed up and I am sure that is what happened in this case. Just don't be so protective. Lighten up this is just a hobby!
I would like to apologize to SOS for my comment in the first paragraph of my response. After reading it again, once the post was made, I realize it may have been a bit harsh. I was out of line.

Although I feel the way I do about SOS' comments, it would have been more proper for me to respond to it in email.
