Audio Experience A2E

Looking for someone that has some history with the Chinese brand Audio Experience, more specifically the A2E. I have a Theta Miles CD transport, a CB3 with superior boards, 2 Krell KMA 160 monoblocks and a pair of Wilson Maxx II's. I'm looking for a warmer sound and thought a nice tube preamp may be just what I need. I realize the preamp mentioned doesn't exactly match the quality of my other components, but I want to ease into the tube thing slowly if at all. I've been told I may want a "Hybrid" preamp to keep up with my krells. I'm also gonna dust off my old Pioneer PL-71 turntable, so I will need a phono stage eventually and off course a new cartridge to replace my Shure V-15 series III. I've been told a stylus is no longer available for it(??) Any comments?
In an attempt to 'makeover' the amp I have just replaced the knobs with some nice examples from THL Audio. IMO they are a great improvement over the stock aluminium ones and improve its 'rack presence' no end.
I read the rave reviews and picked up a used Symphonies Ver2 about a year ago. It buzzed like crazy. The seller said it was fine before shipping (and I believe him). I did everything within reason to isolate the problem (different tubes, cables, etc.), but couldn't find the problem. The seller agreed to take it back. When he got it, he went through the circuitry with a fine tooth comb and found a broken solder connection. I suppose this can happen during transit, but I've never witnessed it before. I've bought lots of used gear and never had a problem. The result of this incident made me question the quality and construction of Audio Experience gear.
Dear Mingles.

Thank you for you using the Symphonies Ver2.

I noted your unit are USED item and buy from someone. This is main point.
I guess the before owner have did some thing at the unit ( eg: he tried change some parts for change the sound).When,he sell it out, he replace back the original parts to unit, but he solder connection is not good.

My product quality control is very good. Because all product are personally made by me and my father. All product have tested two time , the product completed test first time, the product working about 3 days ,I test they second time.

Thank you.
Nelson Chui

Regarding the YS-Audio Ver2 Per-amp. I am now breaking in this unit. It is matched with a Carver TFM-45, Sherwood NewCastle 980 CD player and a pair of Salk Soundtower speakers. All I've done to the Ver 2 is switch out the tubes, replacing with repro-Mullard. The sound is excellent. The workmanship seems
For an inexpensive introduction to tube gear, I recommend the Audio Experience Ver 2 . Good stuff
Since my entry on 6-7-10, the Ver2 has failed. Am trying to get plans from the maker in China, but haven't heard anything back. Makes me wonder about the workmanship.... maybe a re-affirmation of getting what one pays for......A while back, this particular unit appeared on line with the asking price of a grand. That would have been a bad mistake.