Audio Note DAC Owners- please share your thoughts

Hello to All-

Although I’ve been reading this forum for years I’m relatively new to posting here. I’ve read most of the archived posts regarding Audio Note products- unfortunately the majority of them are fairly old.

For the last few years I’ve been wondering about AN DAC’s as I rarely hear about there being any downside to them (other than the entry fee) and have also noticed that they are fairly scarce on the used market.

I’m currently using a Aqua La Scala Optologic MKII and while I enjoy it very much I am always wondering “how good is an AN dac and would it be worth purchasing?”

If you happen to own one of these mystical pieces of technology would you mind helping me understand more about their qualities? Like-

1) I’ve heard they are remarkable when it comes to Redbook playback- flawlessly true to the source

2) I’ve heard them described as warm, some say like syrup and others say neutral.

3) Looking under the hood (pictures) seems straight forward- like old school yet it still competes with the latest designs

4) If you’ve owned one and sold it what did you move to, why and did you regret it?

5) Some folks have decided to pass on the high ticket price and have bought the AN Kit instead. Are these even a close facsimile of the original?

I am very fascinated with this product as it seems to hold a high place in audio gear history- it’s reputation makes it almost one of those things that you shouldn’t have to ask about but I’d like to know a little more before making the spend. Any help on this would be appreciated!




@designsfx ,


I'm not sure how useful this will be for you, but I visited a mostly AN room at an audio show. The room sounded exceptional, but the price tags for the various gear were exceptional as well. I looked and listened, but made sure I didn't poke any buttons for fear of exhorbitant repair bills.

Similar to fsonicsmith, I have owned a SW1X DAC for a few years. My model is the DAC III+. I so love its sound that when an ad popped up for a DAC III Bal/SPL here on Agon a couple days ago, I didn't hesitate to purchase it. It ought to be delivered tomorrow if all goes smoothly. Call me deliriously giddy with anticipation. 


This was aimed at you, obviously.

Someone by the name of Michael PM'd me about finding a DAC III B SPX for sale here, to arrive tomorrow or Tuesday. This website is messed up. I can log on as my user name, I can receive PM's but can not view conversations or respond, instead getting a message that my account has been canceled. I suspect it is my buy/sell account that has been canceled and if so, I don't care. 

So this is to you Michael. Congrats. For whatever reason, Slawa seems to ship his DAC's with whatever EL84 he has on hand. My DAC III B was shipped with some rather unidentifiable Russian EL84 or its equivalent the 6P14P. Sovtek perhaps? I tried but did not find a matching etching searching on the web. All I know is I replaced them with Tungsrams which are not cheap at $120/tube the last time Kevin Deal stocked any (he seems be out of all Tungsrams). They changed the sound immensely. For the better. 

Next comes the cable. With my Aurender W20 an Analysis Plus Silver Apex S/PDIF sounded far superior than any other cable I tried. This had to be custom ordered from AP. 

I also own the ANK 4.1x, stock parts but some upgraded tubes. Part of the enjoyment was just the fact that I built this DAC. I have never compared my kit to an original Audio Note DAC, wouldn't pay the price tag on them as digital is not my primary format, but I am very happy with the ANK kit.

I don't believe the dealer in SoCal (Warren) who passed away had a DAC on demo. He was an analog guy as well, but up here in NorCal Nick Gowan at True Sound and the folks at Audio Federation can demo them for you.


This was a fairly recent review from I believe, early 2021, from Terry London that was posted here on Audiogon.  Audio Note DAC 3.1x/II Balanced.


Thanks for the response. There seem to be many positive comments on the ANK 4.1 which makes me even more curious about the kits. @roxy54 shared a little of his experience with his updated/modified ANK and seems to be totally satisfied. He recommended speaking with Brian at ANK with regards to how far the kit implementation can be taken.

Thanks for the True Sound recommendation. I came across Nick’s contact info earlier this last week- just need to make time to give him a call.