Audio Physic Scorpio or Vandersteen Signature 3A

I am interested in buying either Audio Physic Scorpios or Vanderstaeen Signature 3A's. I am familiar with (and fond of) the AP signature sound. I love the dynamic punch of AP speakers along with the pinpoint imaging, crystal clear midrange they provide on well-recorded material. Some say AP's are too bright but I really like that crisp detailed treble.
I auditioned the 3A's yesterday and was pretty impressed with the natural box-free sound and deep bass they provide. They really do sound wonderful and so natural. That said, the 3A's did not have the high frequency treble extension I was hoping for. The dealer, who was a really great guy, explained that some tweaks can will make the top end of the Vandersteens sing. Does anyone have thoughts on these 2 speakers? I have ARC LS26 preamp, Spectron Musician 3 sig Amp, Resolution Audio CDP.

I had the Scorpios and they lasted about a month in my system. I upgraded to Focal 1037's. I thought the Scorpios would really shine but they were very thin sounding, bright to the least. Their woofers look great but were NOT as good as they look when it comes to sound. My amp was a BATVK300x. I have owned a Musician II in the past and that is one good amp! I would look at others before deciding on Scorpios. Your amp can pretty much push anything .......That's my opinion ..........
All vandersteen speakers sound a bit rolled off in the highs until you get used to their design. Richard says it's because they are absolutely time aligned..never the less, listen for a while before you make any final decision.
Scorpios thin sounding! WOW! Mine were great and that was in a 23X28X14 room. If anything I thought they were a little bloated in the upper bass/low midrange freq. The Scorpios were one of those I speakers I sold that I truly regret. Very good speaker and the Vandys will never image like the Physics.
Philefreak, How did you fill a room 23x28x14 with Scorpios? I find that to be next to impossible ........ I must be missing something !!!
No secrets. Although I did have to use a sub to get the last little bit of bottom but, in my room I've not found a speaker that a sub didn't help. I was using a 2A3 P/P amp with all of 20 watts per channel on them as well. I got every bit of 96 db peaks. Plenty loud for me. They are a pain to set up though. They like to be away from any walls. In a friends room they were thinner in the low bass and more bloated in the upper bass because of having them too close to side walls. I think this is one problem with side firing woofers especially if you have woofers on both sides so you can't turn the woofers to the inside to eliminate or at least lesson the room interaction.