I'll chip in with Wendall and Philnyc - if you've got the room to do an AP nearfield setup, the Avanti's are indeed worth the dinero, imo. They'll ask you take care in their setup but when they are right they do disappear and yield the best soundstage my ears have heard. I've got the Avanti Centuries which I chose after going in to hear the Virgo - I've always like the Virgo, but frankly it was no contest. Linear response, vitality and drive, excellent at resolving inner harmonic detail, and revelatory of whatever is upstream. Never heard 'em with SS and know they respond well to good tube gear. Disinclined to lump speakers into music genres, I'll make an exception and say for me the Avanti works its magic best with classical music.
I'm told the latest iteration of the Avanti (billed as the 'new' Avanti 3 on the AP Web site) is not designed by Joachim Gerhard. Kindly post back if you get a response to your e-mail - I'd be interested in Joachim's comments.