Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading

Greetings all. Looking for guidance and your experience in racks & shelves for the ’sweet spot’ and upgrading. Do you find that applying a percentage of your total system’s value of perhaps 5% or even 10% is a good metric? Do you folks find that some of the leading Audio Rack companies, like HRS, CMS for ex., which seem great but is it beneficial to warrant spending well over $15k , $10k + or $5K on vibration isolation for a mid level system. Racks are really hard to demo; I’m reaching out to Audiogon community.

I’m trying to get my arms around some of the price points and the cost/benefits.
Anyone find wood is sonically better?
Doesn’t seem to be that much between A/V furniture manufactures and the better companies. Prefer a Modular approach like Bassoconuinuo- (anyone have it? I haven’t priced it yet.) or adjustable shelves. (not that keen on Solid Steel).
I need 6 shelves including top for turntable.
Currently have a BDI with glass shelves; using still points, or BDR cones, maple butcher blocks. Yes, I know the glass shelves...have to go.


@mitch2 Thanks for the post. I had a great conversation w Patrick at SmC. It is indeed brass and in some applications a more elaborate sandwich, possibly including Panzer, Carbon Fiber, Stainless, as well as something proprietary…..


My mention of Densified Wood was a offering to not let the OP overlook it as a option, as it is one that is an important option to learn about.

I have been doing catch up with the individual who measures all types of materials for Damping and Dissipation Properties.

There are updates to be seen where the Typical Sample Sizes of 100mm x 100mm (4" x 4") are being tested as a typical plinth size of 400mm x 350mm (16" x 14").

The latest data on the Plinth Size Material has shown a Damping Factor of 0.750 

Additionally, I am to have my Pre Amp's that were designed and ready to be built, housed in a Permali Case.

The EE, has had a rethink on the design, topology and the Pre Amp's now back to a design stage. The Good News is less Casing Material will be needed if all works out.

I am keen to rehouse my Valve Phon' into a Permali Case as well to match the Pre Amp's.

I have recently seen there are Capacitor Clamp Rings being produced from P'holz where the clamped components are housed in a P'holz Casing. 

Many posts on Instagram showing esoteric TT’s that look like they could be moon landers and are placed on $15 Ikea bamboo cutting boards. If it works, great but doesn’t say much for the design of that 4-5 figure TT.