Audio Research Corporation ARC Reference 600

Has anybody had any experience with these, good or bad? I had VTL MB 750's before and loved them, but had to sell due to finances. I see the ARC Ref 600's use a lot of tubes. I do not need a that power, but I like the whole paraphernalia of the hobby. It's like having a hot rod. Sure, you don't "need" 500 horse power. Lol. Would anyone recommend the ARC Ref 600's, or should I look elsewhere?
Very nice amps. even compared to today's newer amps. You will love them. However, I believe you may have misread some of the responses. They are simply warning you of the expense of replacing the tubes. That is all. If that isn't an issue or if the tubes have recently been replaced, go for it. These were the top of the line AR amps and they are still incredible. I believe that the 610s replaced them. I also second the recommendation of auditioning the REF 75 or 150 or 250 amps. I love the 250 amp.
Does anyone have any opinion about manley amps? The neo-classic 250's or 500's? Do they measure up to ARC, or VTL?
I just looked up the specs on the Klipsch KLF 30 speakers. Sensitivity is a very high 102 db. Unless you have a huge room and listen at ear-splitting levels, I think you would be hard pressed to stress a good 75 wpc amplifier such as the REf 75. Most of the time you will be listening at less than 1 watt.
Agree with Mabonn. If you think you may change speakers at any time in the near future, you may want to step up to the Ref 150 now, the Ref 75's bigger brother. Anything more than the Ref 150 at this time is like swatting a fly with a 1000 ton press. Btw, I've seen some preowned Ref 150s listed for a decent price.

Aside from power overkill, I would challenge point how the Ref 600 sounds compared to ARC's current Ref offerings. There's been a lot of water under the bridge since the Ref 600 was at the top of the ARC food chain.


I have owned many ARC and the Reference 300 is their best! The problem with ARC is that once aged, the circuit board will short circuit and BANG!*"|@# ... total up needed!