Audio Research PH6 Phono Stage - How is it?

I know most of Audio Research stuff is top end with little complaints about anything they make. I like tube gear and have more of a preference for the tube sound but looking for a phono stage with little noise. I know the PH8 reference phono stage is a true reference standard but way out of my price range. So that brings me to the PH6, which retails for around $3,500. Not too many reviews on this one and hasn't been compared to other phono stages at a similar price point. There are some good competition at this price, especially the Herron VTPH2, which is also a great phono stage. Does anyone have any information about the PH6?

My current system is Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated Amp, VPI Prime turntable, Ortofon Quintet Black MC cartridge, Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers. Much appreciation!


Congrats on the purchase, sounds like you made a good choice.  As expected I see a lot of good useful feedback here but also highlighting how much system synergy and personal taste comes into play.  I recently purchased a PH6 to pair with my LS-17SE preamp so thought I'd stick in a quick comment and question.

I'm currently running a VPI scout that originally had an Ortofon 2M Blue mounted but when I upgraded to the PH6 the overall combo of 5.5mV gain from MM cart, ARC gear and the diamond tweeter in my Usher's was a bit too forward even for me.  I talked to some people at ARC and they suggested the first place to go was higher-quality but lower output cart.  I wanted to stay with Ortofon but was also concerned about the 0.5mV the Quintet's put out so just bought the Blue model again for comparison.  The change was night and day, best sound I've had to date.  No issues with too little gain or having to crank the preamp volume way up so I wouldn't let that prevent anyone from at least taking the time to audition a PH6 with lower output MC.  Note that I am running a set of balanced ICs terminated with RCA on phono stage end then XLR on the preamp end to take partial advantage of the LS-17SE's balanced inputs (+6db gain).

Long story short I'm considering stepping up from the Quintet Blue and wondering if you could comment on the Black versus other carts you've owned.  Also for the group if anyone has other recommendations in the sub $1000 range I'd appreciate the input.  I'd like to hang on to as much detail as possible while balancing the tendency of my system to get too bright/forward if I let it.  Thanks.


I wish I could comment on the Ortofon Quintet Black MC cartridge compared to others, but this is actually the only cartridge I've owned thus far.  I've only had my vinyl playback system about a year (actually playing less than that), so haven't switched out cartridges.  The Quintet is a very balanced and musical cartridge.  There are others that are more resolving, detailed, etc, but the Quintet seems to everything well (compared to other cartridges around $1000).  If you're looking to staying under $1000, the only other one I was thinking about at the time was the Dynavector.  Not to say there aren't more options that are probably very good, but not too familiar with other brands.   

Now if you expand the budget a little, there are some good options out there that I may consider - if I sell my Quintet Black (which I may).  The Zephyr Soundsmith, Lyra Delos, and higher priced Dynavector, and Ortofon Cadenza all present great options.  You should look on the VPI forum.  I know they have a cartridge thread for turntables that probably will be able to answer your question better than I can.  


I can't comment on the PH6 but I have experience with the PH5 and PH7. I still use the PH7 and really like it. I would choose it over the PH8 because it works better for my needs, i.e., it allows me to tube roll with all its tube types. That helps me get what I'm after rather than what ARC is after, which sometimes isn't my cup of tea. Stock tubes, whether 6922's or 6H30's are okay but can be bettered!! Many of the people who sell ARC gear in my area have never heard it with non stock tubes. A real pity. The ability to choose between 6922's is a must for me and something I wouldn't give up by going to something like the PH8, or any unit that forced you to accept so few options. If your system is perfect sounding than a PH6 may be a good fit. 

I have heard some of their newer gear in a local showroom and have liked it, though it was very limited listening time and was with better speakers (way better) and a better sounding room than mine.


I am in the process of selling my Prime turntable and selling the Quintet Black on it.  It only has about 100 hours on it and was purchased the same time I bought the Prime (2015) from Soundstage Direct.  If you want to buy, message me.  Thought I'd throw that out there.  Moving up the VPI line to an Avenger and Ortofon to a Cadenza series.
Poor S/N ratio for a phono stage!

Too noisy with very low output MC cartridges!