Who is the king of Tube amplification between these two brands?
Gotta be careful with those VAC's.
I hear they make Lyra cartridges sound bright, thin and shrill.
“ Never said anything bad about VAC ever. Wanted feedback on this thread on which brand is preferred. VTL or Audio research. I was impressed with Kevin Hayes when I spoke to him on the phone. Wouldn't hesitate in buying a VAC product”

FFS why bother mentioning ARC at all....Why not just talk about your impressions of VAC!!!

Take a break from lobbing shite grenades around... 
Jeffy, having the winning ticket for Wednesday's Powerball drawing, that would be lucky.

For now I feel quite fortunate with the performance Im getting from my Lyra Kleos.

As far as a Shure cartridge from the 70's, let me guess, moving magnet?

Now your starting to sound like someone else around here.
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