Well, since I opened this can of worms I thought I would give an update. The place I bought if from new said that they would send a replacement as soon as they can. the manufacturer asked me to send it in and he would address it as soon as he see's it. The problem being I am in Minnesota and he wants me to ship it to Germany. I still think it is a wonderful product and is well made, but even if they have solved the reliability issue and my difficulties are the rarity, these things will need maintenance every once in awhile. Rollers will wear, fan motors might need replacing, etc. the fact that they have NO provisions for repair, warranty or otherwise, in the US has been my biggest surprise and the only thing in the whole purchase that is upsetting. Those of you with the AD cleaner, I recommend you join with me and advocate to the maker that they set up some service relationship with someone in the US, I plan on using this for a lot of years.