Audiogon Hub vs. Audiogon Forums?

First of all, good for Audiogon for trying something new with the Hub (and the new site design)

I wonder about the role it will play versus the very elegant AudioEvo and the very detailed various Asylums - not to mention the other well-trafficed forums that often show up like Steve Hoffman and PolkAudio.

I also wonder if someone can point me to info on how the Hub is supposed to relate to the existing forums. It's enough for me to remember to check the forums for new answers when I'm craving some Audio escapism. Will the Hub replace the forums? Will they be interleaved so that a search on one will lead to a search on another?

Yes, I saw the video.

What do you think?
Personally, I bet the Hub dies. People are happy with the forums. I looked at the Hub and did not see one comment, nor anything I really wanted to comment on. I think they should have spent their time adding more features to the new buying/selling app rather than on the Hub. This forum is fine. I do not need a social media audiophile site. Actually, I did post something akin to what I just wrote on the Hub announcement page, but of course it never got posted.
I think they should have spent their time adding more features to the new buying/selling app rather than on the Hub.

I agree 100%.
I agree the 100% of Tpreaves and the 100% of Snofun3 and would like to add my 100% so all in total I think I agree 300%.