Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?
You unfortunately missed the point of my use of the word "unfortunately".
My comment was in response to Facten, who seemed intrigued by the possibility of "sinister" things going on. 
My use of the word "unfortunately" indicated that the reality of the situation was perhaps not as spicy as what he might have hoped for.
I, in no way want to make us all the same.
As they say, variety is the spice of life. Whether it is music, food, friends or audio equipment.

Women like the concert- social part of music and occasionally comment how they like some music I’m playing at home or in the car, but they much prefer talking which usually means I have to turn down the sound of my music to hear what they say.