Audiophile Vs. Techfile

I'm not an audiophile.

After the time ive spend on this board over the past month or so, i have realized this. I have always considered myself to be one, but i now believe i am a Techfile, not an Audiophile.

You audiophiles amaze me with the amount of effort you put in the smallest of areas and the perfection that is demanded. While sometimes the things you all do i consider very nutty, i can see your passion. Talk about dedication to a hobby! I applaud each and every one of you.

I myself now understand that i am not an audiophile. I dont care about the airborn vibrations, or room treatments, or any of that. I am a techfile. I care about the gear. I love music, dont get me wrong, but my real passion is for well engineered and crafted technology. I love the way it connects and runs in harmony. And this is not just limited to audio gear im also equally fixed on video gear, gadgets, everything that has been "engineered"

Pulling out a brand new piece of gear and smelling the factory and electronics and seeing and feeling the precision craftmanship probably gives me a feeling compared to TWL finally getting his rig set up to perfection and playing his favorite classical pice.

i almost feel like im tresspassing anymore.

Is there anybody else on here like me? Or am i the only one?

You made a very astute observation that I’ll bet most of us have not thought about. Know that you mention it I’m sure there are many different sub-groups out there just waiting to put a name to their sub-group.
I know there are the music lovers, the DIY’ers, and what else...
Well said. I go through periods where the left side of my brain dominates (techfile) and I pay attention to the gear, upgrades and tweaks. Then I have times when the right side of my brain takes over (audiophile) and I just sit back and listen. Classic rock is my favorite... Santana, Traffic, Doors, ELO, Creedence, etc., and I begin to appreciate how talented these people are.
Slappy, as a techfile, you are just an audiophile in the early stages of development :-)

Besides enjoying technology, the aspect that gets into the blood of engineering types working or hobbying in this area is being fascinated by the relationship of electronics and physics to sound. The ear is so good that it hears noise and distortion at extremely low levels. Sound is very fragile; it is easy to distort it with poor design but a labor of love to preserve it intact. Every manufacturer making those lovely electronics works to control vibration and a/c, and audiophiles are only extending the same process.
As an Audiogon shopper, it's been a long time since I've experienced the instant turn-on from opening the box of a brand new piece of equipment, because all the stuff I buy now is used. 9/10 rating please, heheh.

I started out in this hobby with an HT system similar to yours. And, it' still put together the same as it was five years ago.

But a funny thing happened one day. I realized my system just wasn't cutting it when it came to music reproduction. That was the day I went over to the dark side and started down the path to becoming a Hacidic Audiophile, and started a separate 2 channel system.

Flex is right. Close the book NOW and be happy with what you have, or you'll be tempted into a life of never ending want and audio improvement!
Techphiles, Dyi'ers, Tweak masters, Elitists, Audiophiles, music lovers, Bargain hunters, ... Hmm... this might be interesting.

Techphile - You gear is what you love the most. Nothing beats the smell of new electronics, except for the preformance of a well engineered and constructed piece of precision machinery (this is pretty much me)

Tweak Masters - Believe the best sound is done by getting good solid gear and tweaking the hell outta it with room treatments and various other articals of sound modification. Alot of the time they seem to be bargain hunters and DYIers as well.

DYI'ers - Believe that with hard effort and research they can build the WATT Puppys they always wanted

Elitists, Seem to believe that the price of a system is the end all measure of the quality of sound, bargain buck cannot sound good. Thier opinions are the only ones that matter and get offended at different points of views. a $5,000 bargain system makes thier ears bleed. They despise and refuse to acknolwedge any sonic quality in recievers. Dont get along with bargain hunters

Music Lovers - Can enjoy music on any system, but prefer to have it as clean and pure as possible.

Audiophiles, A blend of everything, Believe in the tweaks, expencive gear and might not enjoy music on a simple system as much as on a expencive one, but are still concerned more about music than gear.

Bargain Hunters - Firmly Believe 10,000 is enough for a 2 channel system and believe people who spend much more are crazy and fooling themselves into believing there is an improvement in sound between a 3,000 amp and a 5,000 amp. This is either because this is thier real belief or sometimes because they cannot buy the "Elitist" gear and get envious.

Paper-gurus - The guys who believe something sounds better because test measurements. A white paper for these guys is as good as an audition

Veterans. crusty old guys that have owned almost every brand pf hardware made, know alot about this stuff. can also be elitists, DYIers, music lovers, or audiophiles.


That is all in fun, i mean no offence to anybody by what i wrote above. Dont take it seriously :) :)


Something i always kinda pondered, is that alot of people have certain types of gear they like to stick to. They will claim magnepan beats JBL, or KLIPSCH sounds better than Martin Logan.
I kinda wonder if alot of that stems from the type of music they like. It seems like Rockers are SS all the way, while alot of jazz and blues aficiandos like tubes. classical seems to be a blend of either with an emphasis on planer speakers.

Im starting to believe that what might sound good on say, TWL's system might not sound good on mine, and what sounds good on mine, might not sound good on TWLs

twl- not trying to pick on you here, i just know you like classical and quite clearly hate my music. hehe

I wonder what "System of a Down" would sound like on TWL's system.