Audioquest colorado sound to bright

I huse AQ colorado on my systeme and i want replace it because its to bright. considering this carateristic, i would like to know if the cardas golden reference would be a good upgrade? or maybe the golden cross would be better?
I have both AQ Columbia and Colorado XLR cables in two separate systems.  They're both great cables.  The Colorado sound more forward and busier, but slightly more accurate with wider soundstage than the Columbia which are more relaxed and laid back which I actually prefer.  
I started out with the Columbias. The sound was too diffuse with a weaker bass response.  The depth was there but not the punch that you expect from a good kick drum for example.  I traded out the Columbias for Colorados and had a more focused sound, natural detail (pluck of guitar strings) and natural bass punch was there.  What really sold me was hearing live music and then coming home to listen to similar tunes on the system and being satisfied with what I now heard.
hifiman5366 posts11-18-2016 6:39pm

To do so I eliminated one Harmonic Technology Magic Link II and 2 Kimber Select KS-1021s. Never sounded better

I'm curious to hear what your experiences were between the HT and the AQ cables. Is the HT "muddier" sounding than the Colorados?
The HT cables had a very even sound to them frequency response wise.  The Colorados were even as well with a greater transparency and bass impact.  Not knocking HT, just liked the "clearer window" to the music with the Colorados in my system.  YMMV