I agree that the Sky is an extremely transparent, neutral cable.
To characterize it a bit, to the degree you can assess the effect of a cable alone, I'd say: excellent frequency extension in both directions, fairly tight bass, a lot of detail/resolution. I consider it slightly on the analytical/bright/crisp side of neutral. It contributes to a reasonably good soundstage but I don't find this is the cable's strength; very solid, better than most, but not the best I've heard.
For a warm-ish to neutral system, I'd say it is probably perfect. For a system already on the more detailed or already side of things, it might be a little much (I can see it being a little harsh/fatiguing; in my system it's right on the border).
To characterize it a bit, to the degree you can assess the effect of a cable alone, I'd say: excellent frequency extension in both directions, fairly tight bass, a lot of detail/resolution. I consider it slightly on the analytical/bright/crisp side of neutral. It contributes to a reasonably good soundstage but I don't find this is the cable's strength; very solid, better than most, but not the best I've heard.
For a warm-ish to neutral system, I'd say it is probably perfect. For a system already on the more detailed or already side of things, it might be a little much (I can see it being a little harsh/fatiguing; in my system it's right on the border).