Audire Diffet 1 hum

My Audire Diffet 1 preamp recently developed a hum audible through the speakers. Still sounds very good at volume, but probably like all of you, it bothers me. Could it be a transformer, capacitor or otherwise?

PS Audio had a nice article on isolating a hum, but didn’t mention the possibility of equipment. I guess my question is it probable that the problem is external to the preamp, like interconnects, or line voltage? (My other system doesn’t have a hum).  Oh, and it produces a thump when the amp and preamp are turned off together (I don't do this anymore).
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See if you can open this.  There is a little button cap right across the wall power in the preamplifier.  If it is a capacitor, I'm hoping this is the issue.  What do you think?
Listen to the 60Hz Hum and then the 120Hz Hum. Does either of them sound like your hum?

Also I forgot to ask you earlier, does the hum vary with the volume control?

60Hz hum

120Hz hum

120Hz hum

It sounds like a 60Hz hum and its constant, does not vary with volume.  The Audire amplifier and preamplifier are both old enough to have just a two prong electrical plug. 
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