Auralic Aries G2.1 or Innuos Zenith mk3

Would be interesting to hear if anyone has experience on both of the devices. What’s the difference from sound quality, connectivity, built or software point of view. Of course if there are any differences. What dacs are you using with these streamers?

Innuos use Mundorf capacitors which warm the sound up a bit 

some people want a more neutral perspective .


I‘d be a bit careful about your claim on InnuOS‘ use of DSP. It is directly counter to their minimalist philosophy on CPU power, which by the way leads to superiror sound compared to Roon.

In my experience, the clean up of both the incoming Ethernet or fibre signal as well as of the outgoing signal, whether USB, I2S, Coax or other is way more determinant for sound quality than the actual box chosen. And btw, optimal cables and filters are again box dependent. If properly implemented, and that is no simple ask, even a amcor PC or a simple Bluesound Node can be quite effective.

We have tested many servers and streamers and they all sound different

we started streaming journey years ago by using laptops, pcs and a Mac Mini using Jriver then Roon

we started with an Auralic Aries s then Aurender n100h an Sotm super modified custom pc, Baetis then we were introduced to Innous and their servers were clearly better. we were with Innous for many years till we discovered 432EVO a server line from Belgium that offered a modular, upgradable architecture. and this line of servers sounded even better.

in fact we tested an Aeon vs a 27k Innous Statement and found the One third priced 432EVO aeon, and found the Aeon to sound just as good.

and the Aeon also outperformed the aAurener 10 and N20, while costing less.

So yes servers do sound different and are as important as the Dac.


Dave and Troy

audio Intellect NJ

432EVO dealers

former Auralic, Aurender and Innous dealers


Pretty sure the question was about two specific products by Auralic and Innuos. Not 432evo, despite the dealer bringing that brand up again. 

Anyway back on topic, I compared these exact two products (among many others) a few years ago and my choice was the Zenith mark III. Auralic was very nice and I liked it better than some of the others, would probably have been happy enough if I got that instead. But with direct comparison I felt the Zenith had better synergy with my system. 

I'll upgrade again in a year or two. By then both brands will have newer models (I think they do already) so it might end up differently.