Auralic Aries w NOS DAC

Hi folks,

I'm intrigued by the new Auralic Aries server/streamer device. I love the idea of streaming lossless digital content from Tidal, etc direct to my Red Wine Audio DAC, and I love its ability to pull music from a hard drive over wifi as well. But here's the thing: I have the NOS version of the Red Wine DAC and zero need/interest in upgrading to the high-res version, and the Auralic Aries seems very focused on enabling 192k DSD content. I get that, I admire it, but it's not relevant for me. Would the Aries be total overkill with the Red Wine NOS DAC? If so, does anyone know of a cheaper option with similar functionality and great sound quality? I know that Sonos basically offers this functionality, but I'm looking for true audiophile sound quality.

Thanks as always.
I would give Steve at empirical audio a call. He seems willing to offer his advice freely and is knowledgeable when it comes to digital audio.
I have been looking into these same issues. I want to stream Tidal into a Bryton BDA-1 DAC. I don't have ripped CDs and will really just be streaming Tidal. I investigated Sonos with W4S or Empirical Audio and came to the conclusion that Empirical Audio might have the edge if I also purchased Empirical Audio's upgraded power supply (the Dynamo) and bnc cable. But then you are in the price realm of the more expensive version of the Aries. So I am still not sure what to do but the fact that reports are so postive here on a Tidal with Aries makes me lean that way. I am also tempted because of Tidal's recent announcement that it was planning to develop hi resolution streaming, which would be irrelevant with Sonos. But this is also irrelevant to the original query here. Good luck! Margot
Hi Margot,

Have you actually compared the W4S and Empirical Audio? If so I'd be interested in your notes. Without any of the upgrades, the W4S and Empirical Audio appear to be exactly the same thing with a $200 price difference...
I haven't heard Empirical Audio. (My guess is without the upgrades they are very close...some people reported that EA pulls out ahead with the upgraded power supply.) I do have the W4S Remedy connected to a CD player in one of my systems, and yes, it made a big difference and I think is a great deal. You can also buy a Sonos box with the Remedy upgrade basically inside--much tidier. I will be interested to see what route you take!

Get the Aries not the LE if you plan to use USB. Apart from the LPSU, you get separate Femto clocks for the USB and the other inputs, plus some jitter reducing circuits. This has nothing to do with hi-rez or RBCD, its the quality of USB output that is being addressses.

The thing to watch for in the near future will be the ~$200 Regen USB filter that should really lift up the USB ooutput another notch or 2.