Auraliti PK90 replacement

By beloved Auraliti  will not power up and I have been unable to reach the company for a repair.  This happened before and was repaired under warranty.    I can’t find any used ones presently.   My FLAC stand-alone hard drive files stream into a server and I also front load a usb stick and they output to my Ayon cd7 via USB.     I see the ProJect Stream box S2 Ultra offers the USB connections that fit my needs.     The Bluesound Node i2 looks good but has no usb output.    I would prefer to spend under $600   I have a Peachtree IDac which handles every imput but,prefer the Ayon tube sound.
I don't mean to act like a jerk here, but I have a PK90 on a shelf since I replaced mine with an Auralic Aeries G1. It also has a linear power supply that I got from Auraliti. I would let the 2 pieces go for $500 if you're interested. Otherwise just politely ignore my arrogance.
Oh .. also if you're interested I will put it up for sale on Audiogon and then you could purchase it the regular way.
Koestner.    Sounds like you found a good replacement.   I did hear from Ray but have not discussed a repair.  I am interested in your unit but would prefer to have mine repaired if possible.   Will advise